
Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday Blues

My weekends have been so relaxing lately, I am really beginning to dread Mondays.

Plus, I have been waking up really early the past few days. 6am on Sunday and 5am this morning.
Mondays should not start at 5am.
I guess as long as it isn't 3am, I'll take it.

The weather has really done a 360 from last week. I feel bad for all those trees and flowers that started budding. The forecast has a low of 19 tonight!
I'm not one to complain about the weather, though.
I love living in a climate with four seasons, and this is what March is supposed to be like.

Although my winter coat no longer zips, so I suppose I wouldn't mind some warmer temperatures.

Baby T is 26 weeks today!
But I will post my weekly update tomorrow afternoon, after my doctor's appointment.

In the meantime, back to my relaxing weekend.

It started Friday with a surprise.

For this lady!

My friend Melissa's 30th surprise party!

She looked genuinely surprised, which was great. Her husband Nick was nervous that she had caught on.
And of course adorable little Miss Josie was there to help celebrate.
Happy Birthday, Sac!

Saturday started off with this delicious strawberry smoothie.
Milk, strawberries, ice, 1/2 scoop Amazing Meal, 1/3 scoop whey protein. 

I drank 1/4 of and then promptly had to throw the rest down the drain. 

While I was sipping I noticed that Jerry's whey protein said "not recommended for pregnant women".
That's what I get for trying to squeeze more protein into my diet. I should have read the label more carefully.  I had only added a little bit, but I still couldn't bring myself to drink it.
Luckily I was headed out to support  my nephew Jonas and his Cub Scout group at a pancake breakfast shortly after. Pancakes are a good substitute for a protein shake, right?

This weekend was a general failure on the quest for extra protein.
Jerry and I stopped at our Church's spaghetti dinner on Saturday night.  Saturday was a downright carb-fest.

My mother in law did made beef for Sunday lunch, so I thought it was perfectly acceptable to eat grilled cheese for dinner.

Cheese has become my favorite way to add an extra 7 grams of protein to my diet.
This sandwich was a multi-grain bun with extra sharp cheddar, pickles, and spicy brown mustard.

 And a big pile of greens on the side.

This week will include more protein!
On tonight's menu is pasta and chicken tossed with a basil/arugula pesto.
Also on this week's dinner plans are salmon and a fritatta.

My goal this week is to track how much protein I eat. I'll report back at the end of the week!

Do you plan out your week's meals ahead of time?

1 comment:

  1. I kinda plan, I buy a lot of "stuff" that can be made into "stuff"..lots of veggies and beans and then a dinner is made.
