
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hungry Heart(s)

I am having an interesting week.

I have been a little more tired than usual.

And very hungry!

I know both of these things are normal during pregnancy, but they don't feel normal. If that makes any sense.

It is strange to me to eat a normal breakfast and be hungry not two hours later. To get home from work on Monday and take an hour and a half nap before I could muster the energy to make dinner.

But I'm just going with what my body tells me. I nap when I am tired and I have and extra snack when I am hungry. 
I mean, that's what Baby T is trying to tell me, right?

I was energized yesterday by the beautiful weather. 60 and sunny in central NY!

My favorite walking partners were ready after work.

We had a nice 45 minute walk around the neighborhood. Tons of kids, runners, and other dogs out. Really felt like spring!

When we got back I even had the energy to go to the grocery store.
I don't know if this counts as a pregnancy craving, but I saw these sandwiches on my favorite food blog, Smitten Kitchen, last week. And have not stopped thinking about them since.

Fried Egg Sandwich with Bacon and Blue Cheese

I followed the recipe to the letter, which is unusual for me. And I'm glad I did. 

I followed Deb's alternate suggestion and used spinach on mine. Her advice about not trying the salad before you eat the sandwich is genius. You will want to eat it all before any makes it to your roll.

These were everything I hoped they would be. Jerry inhaled two in approximately 5 minutes.One didn't even have an egg, just the salad.

If you aren't into fried eggs then we can't be friends, I would highly recommend making the warm bacon vinaigrette and just eating the salad. You won't be sorry!

I'm glad to see that Baby T seems to have a 'hungry heart' like her mother.
I am also excited to listen to the new Springsteen album, Wrecking Ball today!

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