
Friday, March 9, 2012

Keep on Truckin'

Despite being tired, I am doing a great job walking after work. I skipped Monday, but have walked for 45 minutes Tues-Weds-Thurs this week. Jerry has been an excellent motivator.

Yet somehow, the scale says I have gained 3 pounds since last Tuesday (my last doctor's appointment). 
I honestly feel that I have not been overeating. I think I could cut back a little on the sugar ( jelly beans and Reese's miniatures on a daily basis) and eat more protein.

It is suggested that pregnant women get 75 grams of protein per day. After a few days of tracking, I don't think I'm quite getting that amount.  I am going to add a little more meat (at lunch, when I usually eat vegetarian), and drink one extra glass of milk per day.

I know the purpose of working out while pregnant is not to prevent weight gain. It is good for Baby T and will be good for me during childbirth.

So I'll just keep trucking along, and maybe stop weighing myself so frequently.

Last night's dinner was salmon cakes with sauteed green beans and rice pilaf.

Notice the pregnant belly creeping into the bottom of the photo?
I have made this salmon cake recipe a few times before, and really enjoy it. I find that I can use canned wild salmon without noticing much difference (plus it is convenient and cheaper!)

I regret not making the yogurt sauce that goes with it, though. Instead of pan frying the cakes I baked them. This made them a little drier than usual, and it could have used the sauce. (Which I have made and is delicious).

The best part of the dinner was the green beans. I sauteed them with lots of garlic, and a little olive oil and crushed red pepper. I'm not sure why, but these tasted delicious!
The rice pilaf was just a box mix, and is one of Jerry's favorites.

After dinner was some quality time on the couch with Sadie and season 4 of Gery's Anatomy on Netflix. 

Sadie doesn't normally sleep under a blanket, Jer was just being silly :)

Sadie has been extra cuddly lately.
It was really funny when the baby moved and Sadie gave me a weird look :)

Happy Friday, friends!


  1. I live the creeping belly! Stop weighing yourself or you'll go crazy, just keep doing what you're doing! :)

  2. scale. you look great. eat when hungry and walk when you can. Oh sadie...have you told her a baby is going to want your lap soon!! :)
    why doesnt jerry have 2 salmon cakes :)
