
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

27 Week Update

I can't believe I have one more week in the 2nd trimester.

20 Weeks
27 Weeks
I feel like I look particularly large in this photo. Or maybe I am large....

Baby T: Weighs almost 2 pounds and is the size of a head of cauliflower. 14 1/2 inches from head to toe.

This weekend I got nervous because I didn't really feel her move for about 36 hours (just a couple of kicks, definitely decreased movement). The physicians assistant had me come in and check her heartbeat, which sounded just fine. She told me that it is getting a little more crowded in there, and that the baby is starting to develop more regular sleep patterns. Or maybe it was the cold I had? Whatever the reason, I felt much better after listening to her heart for a few minutes.

Me: Other than the cold, I still feel pretty good.
At my last check up I told the doctor that other than the heartburn, I felt great. He just smiled and said "There's still time". Thanks for the encouragement, doc!

They also weighed me when I went in yesterday and the scale said I had gained 3 lbs. Since last Tuesday!
It was a different scale than they weighed me on than last week and I had just eaten lunch, so I am ignoring that weight for now. Let's just say I am up 16 lbs.
I also have to see the doctor every two weeks now. And I am planning on taking my glucose test on Friday. Hopefully I will have the results at my next appointment on the 10th.

I completely failed at taking pictures of the nursery.
I am thinking I will wait to take pics until after the baby shower. It is scheduled for May 6th.

I apologize for the wrinkled clothes and hair. After grocery shopping I fell asleep on the couch last night just before 7pm. I woke up at 8 to Jerry telling me that dinner was ready!

I had picked up a small London broil when I was at the store. And this is exactly what I had planned to make with it. Grilled steak over a salad with blue cheese and homemade croutons.
My husband must be psychic. It was so nice to wake up from a nap and be handed my dinner. He even cooked the steak rare, and then sliced my portion and cooked it until it was well done. What a guy.
I should take naps after work more often!


  1. You are looking fabulous, Erin! I love the updates and can't wait to see photos of Baby T's nursery! :)

  2. hooray...90 days. Can't wait to meet her.
    You do look great, and naps and dinners served are just what you need now.
