
Monday, April 2, 2012

That's What Moms are For

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!

Despite having a cold, I sure enjoyed mine.

I thought the Hunger Games movie was very good. Apparently so did the rest of central NY, the theater was packed for a Saturday matinee.
It made me want to re-read the 2nd and 3rd books in the series.

Did anyone else see it? What did you think?

Yesterday I spent all day hanging out with my Mom. She has been busy packing boxes, because of this:

My parents sold their house!
They already found a new one, and are scheduled to move in two weeks.
We moved into this house when I was four years old.
It was a great house and a great neighborhood. I will be sad when I see it all packed up.

But my parents are moving to a nice house in a quieter suburb. It is in a great location and I am very excited for them!

Mom asked me what I was in the mood for yesterday. I replied "frosting". In hindsight, she was probably referring to dinner.

So she made dinner and frosting.

A roasted chicken with mashed potatoes, stuffing, and asparagus.
And one red pepper "for color" ;)

For dessert Mom made a vanilla cake and frosting from scratch.

It was exactly what I wanted!
I should also mention I was napping on the couch while she made all of this.

Does anyone play Draw Something on their smart phone?
Jerry, Mom, and Craig all play against each other. They basically giggled all day yesterday about what the others were drawing.
It was a really nice Sunday at my old home.

1 comment:

  1. glad you got to have a nice Sunday in your old home, glad I could indulge the frosting craving!
