
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Starting to See the Light

I've been a bad blogger.
I have been slacking in my photo taking lately. How can I write a blog post without any photos?!

I would never consider myself a "good" photographer. But a few months ago my sister in law Jess let me borrow her DSLR Canon Rebel XT to take photos for the blog. After a few lessons, I am slowly becoming a better photographer.

Taken May 2011 with my point and shoot
August 2011 with the SLR.  Better, but yellow-ish lighting
September 2011 with the SLR and a different lighting setting

I think I've become better at playing with lighting, camera settings, and angles. I think my next lesson from Jess might be in photo editing.

And of course food looks better in natural lighting.

Shooting outdoors is always the best option

Its going to be a loooong winter of dinners with no daylight.
Jerry has promised to build me a light box, and I can't wait to experiment with it.

Speaking of pictures.....
I forgot to bring a camera to Mom's house last night to take pictures of dinner.

Nothing like following up a post about photography with blurry, poorly lit photos taken with my iPhone :)

Salad with yellow peppers, carrots, cucumbers, feta, cranberries, and apricots. It was topped with a whole wheat couscous patty.

There were also lemony green beans and orichette with hot turkey sausage, Parmesan cheese, and parsley.  

If I was a more patient blogger, I would have tried to find some better lighting for my photos. 
But I was more concerned with eating.
And although the shots are back lit, it didn't affect how delicious dinner was. Mom also brought out brownies made from scratch and ice cream for dessert.

Its no secret that I get my love of cooking from my Mom. 

1 comment:

  1. Kevin made me a light box and it really does help. Of course, you have to actually use it- which I don't do. It gets used when I make him take the pictures.
